Evidence into policy

INASP: Information literacy for policy makers and influencers

By 22/01/2012

These materials produced by INASP can be used for training to help policy makers and influencers to find, evaluate and use information to inform policy making.

Each unit contains:

  • Facilitators notes (with step by step instructions on how to run the session)
  • Presentation (containing all slides needed for the unit)
  • Summary handout- to be given out to all participants at the end of the unit


By the end of the course participants will:

  • recognise information problems
  • be able to identify the language associated with a problem (specifically when identifying appropriate online search terms)
  • feel more confident handling science/research information
  • know of at least three reliable sources of information on science topics
  • critically evaluate sources of information for quality, credibility, relevance and bias
  • have enhanced skills in how to make use of science information
  • have enhanced skills in small group training methods

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