All new DFID-Funded Research Programme Consortia (RPC) are been asked to develop a ‘Theory of Change’ during their inception phase. This is seen as an important process to help ensure research has an impact.
The key objectives of the inception phase are as follows:
• to identify a prioritised set of research questions and to define the appropriate methodologies for answering them. In other words, what will be researched?
• To develop a ‘theory of change’, a clear analysis of how the new evidence produced by the programme is likely to make a difference, and how this will be measured.
• to develop an agreed approach to capacity development. In other words, how will the research be delivered.
• To establish a robust framework for the governance of the RPC. In other words, who will make decisions about resource allocation and use, and ensure quality?
The full details of this requirement are available through the following link: Managing the Inception Phase of Research Programme Consortia
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