This guidance document developed by DFID aims to help DFID-funded programmes make the best use of the logical framework (logframe) in designing and managing projects, by:
- Helping you design high-quality logframes with clear starting points and targets, strong internal logic, and a strong results focus.
- Ensuring project officers and advisers have all the necessary qualitative and quantitative information needed to be able to monitor progress and measure performance throughout the life of the project.
- Ensuring DFID staff involved in the consultation and approval process have all the necessary information needed to be able to take informed decisions about the likely success of the project.
- Ensuring DFID has robust qualitative and quantitative information to be able to report to the UK public the results achieved with taxpayers’ funds, to strengthen project management capacity among partners (demonstrating what success looks like), and to provide evidence of progress to stakeholders.
- Ensuring the logframe contains all the necessary detail against which DFID and its partners can monitor project progress as well as measuring and evaluate impact.
How to note: Guidance on using the revised Logical Framework, DFID, (2011 Revision)
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