In this new film some of the most renowned scientists and humanitarian policy makers explore how they can mitigate future humanitarian threats by making science more accessible and widely understood. The film is produced by GO-science and the Humanitarian Future Program, and provides a convincing argument for ensuring research is communicated effectively. It also provides a really good example of how film can be used to get these types of key messages across.
“The real aim of the film is to bring together people who have information and the people who want to use that information.” Says Emma Visman HFP’s futures manager, Kings College London.
Decoding Science, Reducing Risk from Humanitarian Futures Programme on Vimeo.
Featured in the film:
- Clare Harris, Help Age International
- Brendan Gromley, DEC
- Tim Palmer, RS Research Professor, Oxford
- Emma Visman, HFP, King College London
- Yvan Biot, DFID
- Frances Hill, ELRHA and DSA
- Tom Butcher, UK met office
- Bapon Fakhruddin, RIMES Bangkok
- Richard Ewbank, Christain Aid
- Abere Mihretie, HBAMA Ethopia
- Myles Allen, Professor ECI, Oxford
- Sean Lowrie, CBHA
- Enrique Mendizabal, Authot,
- Jess Camburn, ELRHA
- Paul Knox Clarke, ALNAP
- Andrew Shaw, DFID
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