The new DRUSSA-commissioned ‘Mapping Research Uptake Learning Materials’ project is a short-term project, being undertaken by CommsConsult, aimed at identifying: 1) what institutions/organisations are out there working in the field of research uptake and in particular research uptake management (RUM); and 2) what training and related materials exist on these topics?
Generating this knowledge will not only help to develop a central and more complete understanding of all actors involved in the field but it will also help to formulate key recommendations towards identifying what (missing and unplanned) materials should be developed over the next few years that will best meet the needs and demands of those working in the sector? Ultimately it will support DRUSSA’s ambition to build RUM capacity in universities across Sub-Saharan Africa.
Your chance to input into the DRUSSA project recommendations!
To help with the DRUSSA mapping exercise we have designed a short survey to generate feedback and wider input into the project’s final findings and recommendations from as many people as possible. If you have a few moments to spare we would really appreciate you taking the time to consider and complete these 9 quick questions. This is your chance to help determine what support and materials relating to research uptake should be developed in the future!
The findings of this survey will inform DRUSSA’s development of distance learning materials which will benefit not only their target group – universities in Africa – but others who work in this sector including research organisations, Think Tanks, and universities based elsewhere.
If you would like to contact the project team regarding this work for any reason then please feel free to e-mail via
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti/
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