Looking for a user-friendly guide for academics and practitioners to apply at all stages of the partnership process? Check out How to Partner for Development Research, it’s free and downloadable.
Featuring practical tools and good practice case studies, it’s an essential reference throughout the partnership process. Recognising that effective partnerships require intentional and continuous management, the guide successfully unpacks a broad range of partnerships along the collaboration spectrum, and cover all stage of the partnership process.
The Research for Development Impact (RDI) Network is a network of international development practitioners, researchers, and evaluators. Working in close partnership with the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the Network functions as a key cross-sector platform for shared learning and action in the international development sector.
The RDI Network seeks to strengthen cross-sector partnerships and links that promote the development and uptake of quality research in international development policy and practice. As a community and platform for establishing connections, the Network aims to foster collaborations and partnerships which advance and add value to research undertaken by the sector.
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