Conference title: Pushing the frontiers of evaluation effectiveness and excellence
Date: 19-20 April
Location: Sheraton Hotel, New Delhi
The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation is celebrating its tenth birthday by hosting Delhi Evidence Week 2018. The conference is part of a five-day event dedicated to promoting conversations on increasing the production and use of high-quality evidence for informing policies and programmes to improve lives. The two-day conference on 19-20 April will focus on what the organisation has learned in supporting and producing effective and policy-relevant evidence that informs inclusive and equitable development. The sessions will focus on innovative approaches and methodologies in tackling development-related problems and the need for forging partnerships with governments for evidence-informed decision making. The conference is open to all.
Sessions of interest include:
19 April
09:15-09:45 Keynote address: Mind, behaviour, and development: the critical role of evidence in context, by Varun Gauri, senior economist, development economics vice presidency, World Bank
10:15-11:45 Nudging and beyond: informing policy through behavioural science
16:00-17:30 Forging partnerships with government for evidence-informed decision making
20 April
12:00-13:30 The role of researchers in promoting evidence use
View the detailed agenda, with a complete list of speakers at the Delhi Evidence Week 2018 mini-site. You can follow the conversations across social media using the hashtag #3ieDEW2019
Read more articles and resources from 3ie across Research to Action’s archive.
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