The key to a great dinner party is having both the right mix of people and the right seating arrangement at the table. If you…
Meaningful Discussions at the TSP Table
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The Global Guide to Research Impact
Blog Posts
The key to a great dinner party is having both the right mix of people and the right seating arrangement at the table. If you…
Blog Posts
Nick Benequista argues that think tanks strategic focus, on either supporting evidence-based policies or enhancing public policy decision-making, shapes the way they should be communicating and engaging with stakeholders.
Research To Action (R2A) is a learning platform for anyone interested in maximising the impact of research and capturing evidence of impact.
The site publishes practical resources on a range of topics including research uptake, communications, policy influence and monitoring and evaluation. It captures the experiences of practitioners and researchers working on these topics and facilitates conversations between this global community through a range of social media platforms.
R2A is produced by a small editorial team, led by CommsConsult. We welcome suggestions for and contributions to the site.
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