Knowledge-Driven International Development (KDID) recently brought together finalists of their ‘Knowledge Management Impact Challenge’. This initiative invited KM practitioners to submit case studies mapping existing knowledge management approaches in order to both evaluate their effectiveness and discover new strategies for measuring impact results. We wanted to draw your attention to those most relevant to research communications.
This illustration taken from the KMIC site shows an overview of the challenge:
47 case studies were submitted of which 24 were chosen as Top Finalists. The case studies all follow the same structure: First describing the initiative and the approaches used, then outlining the purpose and motivation behind the project and finally assessing the lessons learnt, the main challenges faced and further advice for others. Finalists were given the opportunity to share their experiences at the KM Impact Challenge unConference: Discovering Measures that Matter for KM, that took place on May 5-6, 2011.
Below are overviews and links to five we thought were useful examples relating to research communications:
- Participatory Video for Monitoring & Evaluation in Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change submitted by InsightShare and IIED in Kenya
This case study reviews the use of participatory video in order to support internal learning processes, inform the action research and amplify the community voices in relation to coping with adaptation to climate change.
- Connecting researchers from the Global South to those with the power to make a difference submitted by GDNet in Egypt
This case study reviews the GDNet knowledge hub – a site that aims to bring together and communicate policy-relevant research from the Global South. The assessment process of the study outlines the evolutionary process of GDNet as moving from a knowledge repository to a model that places greater focus on helping southern researchers to inform policy processes.
- Connecting Arid Lands Communities With Knowledge submitted by Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN) in Kenya
This case study reviews the delivery of internet connectivity and traditional forms of information to communities living in some of the most remote parts of East Africa. The initiative aims to provide members of these communities with access to relevant, demand-driven information on agriculture, health and livelihood concerns.
- Improving Malawi’s Health Through Knowledge Management submitted by Management Sciences for Health in Malawi
This case study reviews the K4Health’s initiative to bring relevant, evidence-based information and best practices to heath professionals in developing countries. The project disseminates information on national, district and community levels in order to inform policy decisions and put research into use.
- Knowledge Sharing for Democracy Assistance submitted by Center for International Private Enterprise in the United States of America
This case study reviews CIPE’s knowledge management for program development, training materials and cross-regional sharing to foster organizational learning, with an aim to strengthen democracy around the world.
These case studies all provide insightful perspectives on the initiatives each organisation has undertaken. For lists of all the case studies and more information about the scheme visit the KM Impact Challenge site.
Research to Action welcomes feedback comments and discussion surrounding the projects and initiatives outlined here.
The KM Challenge was a great space! The discussions not only focused on KM, but on how to evaluate effectiveness in international development. I recommend you having a look at the case story synthesis report that USAID, the Impact Alliance and KM4D put together: