The aim of the Symposium is to explore emerging issues within ‘research uptake’ and develop a deeper understanding of the evolving concept. The Symposium will be followed by a Training Exchange, which will offer an opportunity for participants to showcase a variety of innovative tools, concepts and methodologies in research uptake, policy and practice; and to participate in other training sessions.
By coupling the Symposium with the Training Exchange, we hope to break down the traditional trainer/trainee dynamics and bring everyone’s shared expertise to the table. Applications are welcome for both calls from researchers, policy makers, civil society organisations, journalists and communications professionals.
ResUp Symposium
The two-day Symposium will be held on Monday and Tuesday (9-10 February 2015) in Nairobi, Kenya. We are issuing a call for the submission of presentation outlines and/or abstracts on the following thematic areas:
- Exploration of barriers to research uptake
- Innovative approaches to research uptake
- Understanding and measuring impact
- Country-level explorations (case studies highlighting best practices ad notable failures).
We would particularly welcome presentation outlines and/or abstracts on the following:
- Innovative research uptake frameworks and methodologies
- Effective knowledge management strategies
- Approaches to monitoring and evaluation and impact evaluation.
Research papers on research communication and advocacy strategies are also welcome.
Applications for the Symposium will be accepted as presentations, posters and film sessions. Interested applicants should register their details and submit a short outline/abstract (200 words) by 10 December 2014. An extended abstract (2-4 pages), conference paper or full academic paper may be required should the application proceed to the next stage.
ResUp Training Exchange
The two-day Training Exchange will be held, following the Symposium, on 11-12 February 2015. Applicants are invited to propose trainings sessions based on their particular areas of expertise; and in turn, will be able to attend other training sessions that interest them. We welcome proposals for trainings on the following areas:
- Planning for impact: developing research uptake strategies
- Monitoring and Evaluation of research uptake activities
- Output focused training (e.g. effective film-making)
- Technology focused training (e.g. InDesign).
While we expect that trainings should fall under one of these areas, specific topics are up to those proposing trainings. We particularly welcome training sessions on:
- Developing engagement strategies
- Political economy analysis
- Stakeholder mapping.
- Writing policy briefs
- Creating data visualisations
- Effective knowledge management strategies and monitoring technologies (e.g. Google Analytics).
Applicants submitting a training proposal should register their details and submit a short outline (200 words) of the session by 10 December 2014. The training sessions proposed can be for a half day, one or two days. Lightning sessions of 1-1.5hrs may be considered depending on the content. An extended outline (2-10 pages) will be required should the application proceed to the next stage.
Practical arrangements
All applications will be reviewed by the ResUp MeetUp Advisory Committee and successful applicants will be notified by the 17 December 2014. Registration is free for the Symposium.
For the Training Exchange:
- Attendance and training fees will be waived for all those providing training from DFID-RED (Research and Evidence Division) funded programmes
- Other training providers (e.g. from other DFID or donor funded programmes) and up to five colleagues from their programme or organisation will have their training fees waived, and will only need to pay US$150 for attendance
- Participants from DFID-RED programmes not providing training will only need to pay US$50/ half day (US$200 for the whole training)
- For all others not providing training the fees are US$350.
All participants will be responsible for covering their travel, visa and accommodation costs. Additional facilitation e.g. visa letters and accommodation options will be provided by the organisers if needed.
For further information and to submit a call please visit the ResUp MeetUp website.
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Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
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