We have turned the ‘Cup of tea with’ webinar series into a playlist of shorter podcasts, available now to listen to for free on Research to Action’s Audioboom account. The webinar series involved having a cup of tea and a chat with a global development expert to hear about their experiences in the field and learn from their advice about a range of research uptake related topics.
Each podcast is ten minutes long and summarises the key discussions from each webinar.
Find out more about the webinar series which aimed to explore and unpack research uptake by reading the ‘Best of the cup of tea webinar series‘ blog post.
Unfortunately, due to internet connectivity issues and sound quality we could not condense Episode 3 of the webinar series ‘A cup of tea with Dilshani Dissanayake’ into a podcast. Read the full text summary about research communications in Sri Lanka and the AuthorAid programme instead.
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