Dr. Roger W. Harris has a PhD in Information Systems from the City
University of Hong Kong. He has been advancing the use of Information and
Communication Technologies for poverty reduction and rural development in
Asia since 1997. Dr. Harris is the founder of Roger Harris Associates, a
consulting and social entrepreneurial firm that provides services to Asian
governments and aid agencies, including the United Nations, the World Bank,
International Telecommunications Union, USAID and the Asian Development
Bank. He has worked on assignments for project design and implementation,
evaluation, policy and strategy development, knowledge sharing and research
in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia,
Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.
Mostly, this comprises setting up village telecentres with computers and
internet and assisting the community to make use of them for local
development. He has a long association with a remote indigenous community in
Borneo where he has recently set up Malaysia's first community radio
station. Dr. Harris is Visiting Professor at the Institute of Social
Informatics and Technological Innovation at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.
Website: http://www.rogharris.org/
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