The Evidence-based Policy in Development Network (ebpdn) was a 7-year DFID-funded programme that aimed to establish a worldwide community of practice for think tanks, policy research institutes and similar organisations working in international development, to promote more evidence-based pro-poor development policies. Most of its 3373 members were in developing countries, and the programme fostered collaboration between countries and across the boundary between North and South. EBPDN helped members to support each other through training, exchange visits, and sharing information, and collaboration on projects to generate and use research-based evidence to improve development policy at national, regional, and global levels.
A light-touch review in 2012 made recommendations to build on the early success of the network, but many good things come to an end. The network and the platform that hosted the archived discussions and resources recommended by members will go offline today (31 October, 2019). Over the next couple of months R2A will be publishing a series of blog posts that highlight a curated selection of these recommended resources. Many of these resources are classics that are still required reading for anyone new to the field, and keeping them easily accessible will help to maintain the knowledge bank. These posts will all be found quickly here, but if you don’t want to miss out on any of them, sign up for our R2A e-mail alerts.
We also welcome new contributions from members of the EBPDN network – or indeed anyone working in evidence-based policy development. You can recommend a resource: a toolkit, video, podcast, blog, guidelines, presentation, report, database, book, journal article, e-discussion, tutorial – anything that will help us all to ensure that research is taken up more effectively. If you’d like to share your own experience or a resource that you or your team has created, consider writing a short blog post instead, linking back to your own site and materials.
For our current R2A global audience, these ebpdn resources provide valuable additions to those we have identified over the years. If you are new to R2A and coming via EBPDN – welcome!
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