Gagan is a development educator, specialising in Gender and Organisational Development. He has worked as a consultant with Swiss Agency for Development (SDC), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Christian Aid and other INGO’s. As founder of Janvikas, he has also helped to esablish several strategic organizations in the country including: KMVS, Sahjeevan, Drishti, Centre for Social Justice, HID forum, and Econet India. As an appointed member of NHRC’s monitoring group Gagan has monitored human right violations during the Gujarat Earthquake 2001, and communal violence in the state of Gujarat. He now focuses on the governance and accountability of non-profit organisations, and is co-chair of the Planning Commission of India (NPC) Drafting Committee for the Voluntary Sector Policy, as well as invitee to the Assessment & Monitoring Authority (AMA) of the NPC.
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