Ananya Raihan (Development Research Network) introduces the Bangladesh Online research Network, which is a research portal containing 81 research categories.
Bangladesh Online Research Network by Ananya Raihan
Audio & Video
The Global Guide to Research Impact
Audio & Video
Ananya Raihan (Development Research Network) introduces the Bangladesh Online research Network, which is a research portal containing 81 research categories.
Audio & Video
Celia Reyes form the Philippine Institute for Development Studies refects on the challenges for researchers to communicate their research. She also shares some advises on how to overcome these challenges
Templates & Toolkits
There is ample recognition of the non-linear nature of policymaking. It is a complex heterogenic process that rejects sequential markers posed by traditional textbooks. Through…
Papers & Reports
This paper lays out the reasons why we might want to examine the difference that research can make. It then explores different ways of approaching this problem, outlining the core issues and choices that arise when seeking to assess research impact.
Papers & Reports
Policy briefs are short documents that present the findings and recommendations of a research project to a non-specialist reader- ship. They are often recommended as…
Journal Articles
Policy briefs are a relatively new approach to packaging research evidence for policymakers. The first step in a policy brief is to prioritise a policy issue….
Journal Articles
The article, How Can We Support the Use of Systematic Reviews in Policymaking? Talks about how the landscape has changed for policy makers, why systematic…
Guides & Tutorials
This guide aims to provide support for policy paper writing, but it can also be used as a reference guide. Built on the extensive literature…
Blog Posts
Evidence for Action is an RPC (DFID-funded research programme consortium) with partners in India, Malawi, Uganda, UK and Zambia…
Papers & Reports
What shapes the influence evidence has on policy? The key lesson that emerges from this
paper is the primacy of politics in shaping how evidence is used.
Guides & Tutorials
EBP is an approach that ‘helps people make well informed decisions about policies, programmes and
projects by putting the best available evidence from research at the heart of policy development and
implementation’ (Davies, 2004: 3).
Papers & Reports
This Review addresses a mismatch between what is known about how to respond to particular health problems in poor economies and what is actually done about…
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