Job Opportunity: ODI seeks Senior Communications Officer


The Overseas Development Institute is looking for a Senior Communications Officer who will lead the development of a strengthened communications approach which will contribute to the continued effectiveness, profile and reputation of The Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium programme, and bring in new stakeholders from across the international development in post-conflict countries sector and beyond.

About the job:

  • Developing and implementing a communications strategy to expand the global reach and engagement of the SLRC.
  • Managing the communications function within the Consortium. Strengthening the programme’s product dissemination processes.
  • Arranging policy engagement events.
  • Monitoring products, messages and potential impact.
  • Managing the SLRC’s electronic systems, including websites and databases.

Closing Date: 26 April, 2015

Further information regarding the position can be found through the following link: ODI – Senior Communications Officer